Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lucy 13 Months

I don't have much to report for this entry. I've added "mum-mum" to my vocabulary. They are my favorite cracker and I say that repeatedly while looking at the top of the refrigerator where they are kept (in case Mom doesn't get the hint). I also say "Hi," and wave. I've taken a few more steps on my own, but I'm not ready to be a full-fledged walker yet.

Mom, Grandmom and Grandpop and I went to visit this guy named "Santa." He was visiting my school.

I didn't even know him, and they expected me to sit on his lap. way.

Yeah, Happy Holidays. Whatev.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's OK sweet girl, just because you didn't want to have anything to do with Santa doesn't mean he won't have anything to do with you. Christmas will be good, you'll see.